The Huléti shop offers a wide choice of shopping bags for you to do your shopping. You can find all our shopping baskets on our online store! Our shopping bags are divided into two ranges: shopping bag baskets and shopping trolleys. The first are carried on the shoulder, while the second have wheels. Take the time to explore our range of products, you will infallibly find what you are looking for! Once on the page of the shopping cart or shopping bag of your choice, click on the "add to cart" button. If you are also interested in others, do the same for each of them.
Proceed to order
Now is the time to order! To do this, nothing could be simpler: click on the basket ("cart") in the left part of the upper yellow banner, choose a delivery method (details below), then click on the red "check out" button under the total amount of the basket. Then complete the required information, confirm, and have your purchases in a few days.
To be delivered
We process online orders within 24 business hours after your purchase. Regarding the delivery of our market or shopping baskets and shopping bags or even a funny shopping cart , several options are available to you. Delivery in mainland France We deliver to the Mondial Relay pick-up point of your choice (free for an amount over €60; otherwise €5.90 incl. VAT), or at home by La Poste (small parcels) or UPS (large parcels) . The average delivery time observed is 2 to 4 working days. It can be reduced to 1 or 2 working days by choosing express delivery (€9.90 including tax).
Delivery in Europe and the rest of the world
You will be delivered to your home , the times, the prices and the carrier depending on the country of destination. From a certain purchase amount, varying according to the country of destination, we offer you the shipping costs. In addition, it is quite possible to pick up your order at our Cotentin depot . The Huléti boutique is open by appointment 7 days a week. Make an appointment by email with Fanny! Don't hesitate any longer, order your shopping basket online at the Huléti store!